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Warm Fuzzy
Some feel-good destinations, including great gift ideas for the person who has everything...

Alternate Gifts- Choose a project and make a donation in your name or someone else's...lots of great ways to help others and the environment

Heifer Project- Buy one or more farm animals for people in need...bees, llamas, pigs, goats, chickens or a whole Ark!

Rainforest Alliance- Help save the (mostly Central American) Rainforest for a very reasonable price

Hunger Site- Click on the Donate Food button to send some food to people who need it, for FREE! The food is paid for by the Hunger Site's sponsors of the day... also, check out the tabs at the top of the page to go to other environmental and humanitarian sites that allow you to donate time, money etc.

Africam- Live cameras on the Game preserves in Africa...Djuma has a twice-daily Game Drive which often has good pics, & be sure to check out the shark cam. Note the time of day posted at the bottom of the image to figure out their night & day patterns for optimum viewing...

San Diego Zoo- Check out the Panda cam...you can't get much more warm & fuzzy

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