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Vancouver BC
Here's some good scources of information about the beautiful city that I live in...we are surrounded by mountains and ocean with plenty of fun stuff to do and see...Vancouver is also a great place to start on a trip around our province, which has a great variety of landscapes and environments to sample .

In Vancouver- Lots of stuff on Vancouver here, plus links to their other sites with more about other areas of the province

Vancouver Sun- One of the two local newspapers...where to go if you want to keep up to date with the news of our region

Vancouver Tourist- This site is great for useful maps of the area, attractions, webcams and lots of great photos

BC Ferries- Maps of ferry routes, schedules, rates and information. You'll need this if you're planning a trip to any of the many lovely islands in our area

BC Rail- All you need to know if you want to plan a train trip through the province

Red Iguana- A cool site with an alternative take on our town

Victoria BC- Lots of useful information about our beautiful tourist-friendly capital city and all the fun things to do and see when you're there

Georgia Straight- Our free weekly what's happening magazine

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